Jul 22

Implementing the EMED Toolkit in the Geriatric ED

Monday, July 22nd
3:00 - 4:00 PM EST

This is a partnered webinar with the EDC



  1. To introduce the Toolkit for Elder Mistreatment in the ED and its four components
  2. To hear stories from ED practitioners about their experience of implementing the Elder Mistreatment Toolkit in various settings
  3. To explore drivers of success, barriers, and opportunities to improve identification of elder mistreatment

What is the EMED Toolkit?

Elder mistreatment affects 1 in 10 older adults, but only 1 in 1000 older adults presenting in the emergency department are diagnosed with elder mistreatment.

The EMED toolkit contains resources that address that imbalance by assessing staff knowledge and practice, training staff to use simple tools to screen older adults for elder mistreatment and respond to suspected cases, and forging connections with community partners including:

  • ED Staff Survey: 20 question/10 minute online tool for ED staff assesses current practices and defines priorities for practice and systems change.
  • Online Training Modules: Interactive online training on how to identify and respond to elder mistreatment.
  • Screening and Response Tool: Brief screening and response tools to identify at-risk patients and develop safety and discharge plans.
  • Community Connections Roadmap: A guide for identifying and connecting with community partners that can support patient safety and follow up.

Expert Panel

Kristin Lees Haggerty, PhD
Project Director
National Collaboratory to Address Elder Mistreatment
Education Development Center (EDC)

Moderated By

Don Melady


Dr. Don Melady is an emergency physician at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada and a founding member of the Geriatric Emergency Department Collaborative. He is the author of the website www.geri-EM.com – a CME accredited program for geriatric emergency medicine education – and the chair of the Geriatric EM committee of the International Federation of Emergency Medicine.

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