Geriatric Toxicology Part 2 – Acetaminophen

With Dr. May Yen

Christina Shenvi

Acetaminophen overdoses can be deadly if they are not rapidly identified and treated. While the treatment is relatively simple, there are still subtleties and ambiguities. How do you identify who needs treatment? Which patients should be transferred to a facility that has liver transplantation capabilities? What are “line-crossers”? In this episode, May Yen talks us through some of the finer points of identifying and managing acute and chronic acetaminophen overdoses, particularly as it relates to older adults.

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Hosted by

Christina Shenvi


Dr. Christina Shenvi is an associate professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of North Carolina. She is fellowship-trained in Geriatric Emergency Medicine and is the founder of GEMCast. She is the director of the UNC Office of Academic Excellence, president of the Association of Professional Women in Medical Sciences, co-directs the ACEP/CORD Teaching Fellowship, is on the Annals of EM editorial board, is on the Geriatric ED Accreditation board of governors, and she teaches and writes about time management at

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