Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine issues call for papers
The co-editors-in-chief of the Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine (JGEM) have issued a call for original research manuscripts and clinical case reports for consideration in the scholarly journal.
Original research papers should relate to emergency care of older adults within the disciplines of emergency medicine, ethics, geriatrics, medical specialties, health and medical administration, and medicine and health sciences.
Authors are invited to submit their original research/clinical investigation and articles using one of the following formats:
- Quality Improvement, Models of Care, or Program Dissemination
- Education and Training
- Ethics
- Health Policy and Economics
- Global GEM
Prior to submission, authors must review JGEM’s Author Guidelines for specific formatting requirements, as well as other accepted submission categories. All submitted articles will be reviewed on a blind review basis by two peer reviewers. The final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers and at the sole discretion of the co-editors-in-chief.
All manuscripts must be submitted through JGEM’s online manuscript platform, BePress.
About JGEM
The mission of JGEM is to improve emergency health care for older adults by providing an open access, peer-reviewed, quality education and dissemination platform giving providers in all disciplines the evidence they need to enhance emergency care for older adults. Published and funded by Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care, now part of the North Carolina-headquartered health system Advocate Health, JGEM does not charge authors article processing or publication fees of any kind.