GED Nurse Champion Education Resources
As I was preparing an education plan for our geriatric emergency department (GED) registered nurse (RN) champions and staff at my own facility, I created a list of available resources.
GED RNs are are an essential part of an effective interprofessional GED team, and education in the principles and clinical topics should be a priority.
I wanted to share some excellent online resources for any emergency department RN interested in geriatric care. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but I tried to provide as many free resources as possible.
Geri-EM Online
Cost: Free
1.00 ANCC contact hours/module (8 modules total)
Geri-EM Online is the latest iteration of Dr. Don Melady’s outstanding online learning resource These eight modules are designed for emergency clinicians interested in providing excellent care for older adults.
Topics include atypical presentations, cognitive impairment, emergency management of falls, end-of-life and symptom management, frailty, functional assessment and discharge planning, major trauma, and medication management.
If completing eight hours of online learning isn’t realistic for you right now, I suggest prioritizing the modules on atypical presentations and functional assessment and discharge planning as an entry point to learning GED principles.
Click the link below to view all 8 modules:
GEDC Skills Fair: Mobility Risks and Falls
Cost: Free
0.50 ANCC contact hours/module (3 modules total with more in development)
GEDC is developing a series of focused modules in different areas of geriatric care. Three modules covering mobility risks and falls are available and more are on the way.
I recommend these to any ED nurse. Falls in older adults are common and these modules will sharpen your skills in looking after these older patients.
ENA Resources
Cost: Depends on Membership. Not free.
The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) provides a number of courses for its members, and non-members can pay a fee for access.
There are three  Geriatric Emergency Nursing Education (GENE) modules:
GENE Level 1
$$ – depends on membership. See link.
1.5 Contact Hour Credits
This online course provides the foundational geriatric knowledge, skills and systematic process needed to effectively guide geriatric patient care and improve outcomes.
ViewGENE Level 2
$$ depends on membership. See link
3 Contact Hour Credits
Improve your geriatric patient care by understanding why high-risk patients present with vague and atypical symptoms.
ViewGENE Level 3
$$ depends on membership. See link
.75 Contact Hour Credits
This course will prepare the ED RN to improve geriatric patient outcomes by providing an awareness of how language barriers in healthcare and a lack of empathy may contribute to a less than optimal experience and poor outcomes for the patient.
ViewContributing Faculty
Aaron Malsch is the Senior Services Program Manager at AdvocateAuroraHealth (AAH) in Wisconsin & Illinois. He supports several geriatric models of care (NICHE, Geri ED, HELP, ACE Tracker, Geriatric Scholars). His focus is on nursing and interprofessional practice as it relates to the elder population throughout the AAH system of clinics, hospitals, emergency departments, home care services, and long term setting partners. In support of these models of care, Aaron has developed expertise in developing EHR workflow tools and reports to facilitate front line staff’s efforts and demonstrate outcomes. He leads the Geriatric ED implementation and achieved ACEP Geri ED accreditation at all AAH EDs. Aaron contributes nationally to the improvement of care for older adults, highlighted by being Chair of the geriatric committee at the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), co-planner of GEDC symposium at the ENA conference, and reviewer of Geriatric ED Accreditation program at ACEP.