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Important Update

On January 11, 2021, we held another webinar exploring what we’ve learned in best practices in COVID care in the geriatric ED.

Information and best practices evolved quickly over the pandemic, and this is reflected in both these recordings.

Click below to view the January 11, 2021 webinar, Best Practices in COVID Care.


Presentation Slides

Video Recording

Watch the complete webinar recording including a view of the chat window which has many helpful questions, comments and resources. The webinar begins at time 00:02:56.

Chat Notes

Transcript of the chat from the webinar.


On March 30, 2020, the GEDC hosted a webinar on COVID-19 in Older Adults: Key Points for ED Providers. Over 380 participants from 15 countries participated in the webinar. The slides and video are available above for your use. Please share widely.

Some key points:

From the opening panel of Dr. Malone, Hogan, and Perry (8:30-25:00):

  • attention to atypical presentations (we know that older people often don’t mount a fever with infections;
  • the need for optimism (while mortality rate is 15% among people over 80, that means that 85% of them survive!);
  • the importance of improved transitions of care (especially with nursing homes – consider developing a system to “forward triage” transfers from NHs through direct communication by NH physician with NH physician)

From our critical care expert, Dr. Kusum Mathews (25:00-38:00):

  • guidance around clinical presentation
  • suggestions around systems re-organization
  • information about who needs intubation, differences in intubation techniques, ventilator settings

From our palliative care expert, Dr. Martine Sanon (38:00-54:00):

  • guides to advanced care planning
  • tools to guide geriatric assessments and to assess frailty
  • resources for critical conversations around ACP and end-of-life decision-making
  • practical pointers about symptom management.



Dr. Don Melady, MSc(ED) MD CCFP(EM)(COE) FCFP

Expert Panel

Panellists will include national and international experts in ED care, critical care, and palliative care, including the authors of
COVID-19 in Older Adults: Key Points for Emergency Department Providers:

  • Dr. Teresita Hogan, MD, emergency physician
  • Dr. Michael Malone, MD, geriatrician
  • Dr. Adam Perry, MD, emergency physician and geriatrician
  • Dr. Kusum Mathews, MD, critical care physician
  • Dr. Emily Chai, MD, palliative care physician
  • Dr. Martine Sanon, MD, palliative care physician


 To provide guidance from palliative care physicians on key points around goals of care conversations, advanced care planning (in the ED), and symptom management in COVID-19 patients.

To introduce emergency physicians to the epidemiology and clinical presentation of COVID-19 especially in older patients.

To provide a forum for discussion of the 15 key points in the article COVID-19 in Older Adults: Key Points for Emergency Department Providers

To provide guidance from a critical care physician on key points in the clinical management of older ED patients with COVID-19.

Meet the Moderator and GEDC Faculty on the Expert Panel

Don Melady

Don Melady

Teresita Hogan

Teresita Hogan

Michael Malone

Michael Malone

Adam Perry

Adam Perry
