This webinar has completed and is now available on-demand. Please see below for webinar recording and supporting materials.
Related Resources
Presentation Slides
April 18, 2022
This deck includes summary slides and the key points from each presenter.
Chat Notes
April 18, 2022
Zoom chat notes including re-cap of themes discussed during the webinar and insights from participants.
Other Helpful Resources
Non-pharmacologic interventions improve comfort and experience among older adults in the Emergency Department
American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2021
Geri Cart
Activity Cart Use With Older Adults in the Inpatient Setting
Old Dominion University
Delirium Management Implementation Toolkit
May 18, 2020
An adaptable resource for implementing the best standards of care of older adults in the Emergency Department.
Pitfalls of Delirium Screening in Older Adults
March 17, 2022
Danya Khoujah MBBS, MEHP, Debra Eagles MD, MSc, FRCPC
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Article 1 – Topic Supplement
Diagnosing and Managing Delirium in Older Adults
November 11, 2015
Christina Shenvi
Kevin Biese describes the signs and symptoms of delirium in older adults, and drops some pearls on how to manage it safely.
Event Details
- To consider challenges and pitfalls in ED management of delirium – and how we can do better.
- To introduce listeners to three principal screening tools for delirium in the ED – the 4AT and the DTS/bCAM and the CAM.
- To hear first-person stories about ED’s with delirium assessment pathways.
- To review an important resource in implementing delirium processes in any ED – the ED-DEL.
Expert Panel
Debra Eagles, BSc (PT), MD, MSc
Emergency Physician,
Associate Professor,
University of Ottawa
Jin Han, MD, MSc
Emergency Physician,
Associate Professor,
Vanderbilt University,
Tennessee Valley Geriatric Research,
Education, and Clinical Center
Atul Anand, MD, PhD
Lecturer, Clinical Research Fellow,
University of Edinburgh
Michelle Moccia, RN, DNP, ANP-BC, CCRN, GS-C
Program Director, Senior ER,
St. Mary Mercy Hospital, Livonia, Michigan
Moderated By