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Missions Statement
Emergency departments are at the forefront of delivering care to older adults. As a result, there is an increasing need to work with Emergency Medicine colleagues to better understand and provide geriatric focused care in a high volume and fast-paced ED environment. The mission of this special interest group is to bring together AGS members who have an interest in leading the implementation of geriatric principles in Emergency Departments and increasing partnership between AGS and Emergency Medicine forums.
Welcome and Opening Remarks – Dr. Saket Saxena, Center for Geriatric Medicine, Co- Director Geriatric ED & GCU Staff, Internal Medicine & Geriatrics Clinical Assistant Professor, CCLCM & CWRU – 5 min.
Keynote Speaker – Dr. Todd James – Associate Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco Division of Geriatrics “The Role of Geriatricians in the Implementation of the Geriatric Emergency Department at the University of California San Francisco”– 20 min.
Discussion/Q & A –25 min.
Announcements – 10 min.
- Saket Saxena- AGS Geriatric Emergency Medicine SIG In-person Meeting; May 2023 (To be determined) GEDA changes GEDA website; GEDC website
- Dr. Malone- 2022 National Acute Care for Elders (ACE) Conference 11/4/22 View brochure: ACE Conference 2022 Brochure.pdf
- Drs. Teresita Hogan and Michael Malone- A call for original research, review articles and clinical case reports for the Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine. This is an opportunity for scholarship in our approach to care for acutely ill and injured older adults in our Emergency Departments. JGEM also requests peer reviewers from colleagues in geriatric medicine. Link to the homepage:
If you have any questions, please contact Kenyata Johnson at