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Following the initial Bootcamp, a series of office hours were set up for participants to get one-on-one time with GEDC faculty in a small group. The meeting recordings and related resources can be found below.

This office hours discussion reviewed the importance of identifying the purpose and intent of older adult risk screening and what your goals are, and commonly used GED screening tools around identifying high risk older adults (e.g., the Identification of Seniors At Risk (ISAR)), Fall risk screening, caregiver screening, and cutoffs to consider with your ED population

Please note: due to some technical difficulties, only part of the discussion was recorded.

During this office hour, we reviewed considerations of delirium screening instruments with patients with limited health literacy, considerations about whom to / not to complete dementia screening, target ED patients, care pathways for patients who are suspected of having dementia, and working with community and outpatient resources, especially when they may be limited.

Patient Information Form

Chris Carpenter

Patient screening test result notification form.

This office hour session includes topics like partnering with pre-hospital programs and creating resources and positions to support post-ED discharge connections, and working with skilled and assisted living programs.