Experts in geriatric emergency medicine discuss the new CMS age-friendly hospital measure and how hospitals nation wide can meet the measure through GEDC resources and GEDA accreditation.
Join Dr. Christina Shenvi and Dr. Cameron Gettel as they talk about a paper that provides the first benchmarks for emergency care process outcomes in geriatric EDs compared with nongeriatric EDs.
A short video exploring how care can differ for an older adult between a typical ED experience, and an ED with specialized geriatric care processes in place.
This expert panel webinar takes a solid look at the concept of ageism — what it is and how it affects the daily lives and clinical care of older people in emergency departments. The webinar features Marcus Escobedo who talks about the John A. Hartford Foundation’s Reframing Aging initiative and a team of ED clinicians — doctor, nurse, social worker — who discuss what changes we can make in our daily practice.