Mar 20

ED Nurse Management in the Geriatric ED

Monday, March 20th
3:00 - 4:00 PM EST

This webinar has completed and is now available on-demand. Please see below for webinar recording and supporting materials.

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Event Details


  1.  To hear from several geriatric nurse care coordinators (GEM nurses) about their approach to the role.
  2. To describe the range of activities that a GEM nurse can play in a Geriatric ED.
  3. To provide direction and guidance about how to implement a GEM nurse in your ED, large or small
  4. To consider alternatives to nurse-led models of care coordination.

Expert Panel

Michelle Moccia, DNP, ANP-BC, GS-C.
Nurse Practitioner
Avalon Physician Services
Northville, MI

View Michelle Moccia’s Resources

Pamela Martin, FNP-BC, APRN GS-C
Nurse Practitioner – Geriatric Emergency Department
Yale New Haven Health
New Haven, CI

Nana Asomaning, RN, MNScN(NP)
ED Patient Care Director,
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto, Canada

Aiofe Dillon, ANP
St. James Hospital
Dublin, Ireland

Moderated By

Don Melady


Dr. Don Melady is an emergency physician at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada and a founding member of the Geriatric Emergency Department Collaborative. He is the author of the website – a CME accredited program for geriatric emergency medicine education – and the chair of the Geriatric EM committee of the International Federation of Emergency Medicine.

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